Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Child's Fire Part 1


Small office, walled with tan wallpaper and white trim. Comfortable. A large window overlooks the busy street, three stories down. In front of the window is a large oak desk, clean, well organized. A computer monitor flashes pictures of people: kids, babies, parties, a kiss. A leather-backed, swivel chair is pushed neatly against one side, facing two open black chairs on the other side.

Bookshelves fill the wall space to the right, and on the left is a large mirror, positioned perfectly in front of the bed-like chair, brown with a headrest. A small, round table sits next to the bed with a cup of dead flowers and a blank notepad and pen. Three other chairs occupy the room. One is a few feet from the bed and two others are positioned just behind it.

A tall, balding man enters the room, followed by two younger men—one with glasses the other with a bandaged hand and cheek, as if he had been burned. The balding man takes the seat in front of the bed-like chair and the younger men sit behind him.

The men are quiet; the balding man takes the pad and jots a few notes before the office door again opens and a small girl—about five—walks in, carefully, as if she is afraid to step too hard. She gently closes the door and waits. The balding man looks up.

Brita, come, take a seat.

Brita floats, slowly, to the bed-like chair and sits very still, afraid to move. She doesn’t look at the balding man, or the two younger men behind him. She looks at the dead flowers.

The balding man notices.

I haven’t replaced them yet.

Brita nods.

Brita, I am Dr. Scott and these two men you already know. Mr. Hanning (the one with glasses) and Mr. Strong (the one with bandages). They brought you here, right?

Brita nods.

Do you know why you are here?

Brita nods.

Good. Then we can get started. I am go…

When can I see my daddy?

The balding man doesn’t know what to say. He looks to the two men behind him who only nod.

Soon, Brita. But for now, I need you to answer a few questions.

Brita nods.

First, Brita, how are you feeling right now?

Brita doesn’t answer right away but looks at Mr. Hanning who nods and makes a hand movement that Brita recognizes. She knows she must answer all questions without hesitation.


Why are you scared, Brita?

If I don’t answer you, I won’t see my daddy.

Are you scared for another reason, Brita?

My mommy is gone and my brother is in the hospital and others are gone and my house is gone and my dog is run away and my friends are locked in a room and my new home is gone and the mean lady is gone.

Is that all?

Brita takes a deep breath.

It never is.

Do you understand what happened to the people and things that are gone? To your mommy and the mean lady and your house? Do you understand, Brita?


It is good you understand, Brita, because we need to talk about why and how those things were lost.

Brita nods.

We need to start from the beginning. Okay, Brita? Now, Mr. Hanning told me you have a story about how it all started. Will you tell me?

If I have to.

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