So the big update is that Michigan is more of a funny ha ha entertaining adventure than anything. The best part would be the funny comments my niece or nephews make to me. For example, yesterday, out of nowhere, my four-year-old niece asked me, "Aunt Sara, when you get married, how many babies will you have?"
I was speechless for about two seconds. Then the conversation proceeded as follows:
"I don't know. I guess we will have to see."
"You can only have one baby."
"One? But I would like my babies to have brothers and sisters."
"No, only one. Well, you could have two. Two babies inside your tummy and then the two babies would make twins."
So funny when I figured out that she meant how many babies am I going to have inside my tummy when I get pregers. Such a weird thought... But I think it comes from the fact that her mom is expecting a baby in February. So the whole pregnancy thing and women having babies is definitely on her mind.