Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Link: Kiwi

Okay, so here it is. The whole dealio on Mangos and Strawberries.

It all started one day when I was really upset about a boy. At the same time I had a phrase from my sister-in-law going around inside my head--crazy mango monkey. What it really means, I don't know. But soon I found myself writing something very interesting that changed my entertainment around the office.

I grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote: Crazy mango like to poop on strawberries.

Make any sense? It made quite a bit of sense to me.

I took the paper over to my friend Jujube and asked her what she thought. She looked at me a little funny and then I told her the interpretation: Boys like to be mean to girls. (So true.)

From then on boys were referred to as mangoes and girls were referred to as strawberries as we talked in our secret code of boy-lashing fun. But soon the joke spread throughout our office circle and you can imagine the great jokes that came out of our mango and strawberry analogy.

But, here's the great part. There is this fantastic frozen yogurt place my co-workers discovered where we would escape to when we needed a break. One day, I decided to get some strawberry yogurt with some sprinkled mangoes on top. Yum!

Yes, I was disappointed. But, i argued, the two still can't come together in harmony. The mangoes do not deserve the strawberries. They just don't work quite as well together as they should.

Sadly, my sister found the link: kiwis. (Although I still need to try this out for myself.) She announced to me the other day that mangoes and strawberries taste quite good with a bit of kiwi on top. I thought this over for a minute or two and exclaimed, "You've found it... the missing link. I need a kiwi."

So there you have it. If strawberries ever hope of getting along with mangoes, they need to find a kiwi.

(You can decide for yourself what the kiwi might represent.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This is my new blog.